Serialized Form

  • Package com.hw.pinecone.entity.index

    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.index.CreateIndexRequest

      class CreateIndexRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • dimension
          @NotNull Integer dimension
          The dimensions of the vectors to be inserted in the index
        • metadataConfig
          Map<String,Object> metadataConfig
          Configuration for the behavior of Pinecone's internal metadata index. By default, all metadata is indexed; when metadata_config is present, only specified metadata fields are indexed. To specify metadata fields to index, provide a JSON object of the following form:

          {"indexed": ["example_metadata_field"]}

        • metric
          @NotNull Metric metric
          The distance metric to be used for similarity search.
        • name
          @NotBlank @Size(max=45) String name
          The name of the index to be created.
        • pods
          Integer pods
          The number of pods for the index to use,including replicas.
        • podType
          String podType
          The type of pod to use. One of s1, p1, or p2 appended with . and one of x1, x2, x4, or x8.
        • replicas
          Integer replicas
          The number of replicas. Replicas duplicate your index. They provide higher availability and throughput.
        • sourceCollection
          String sourceCollection
          The name of the collection to create an index from.
  • Package com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector

    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector.DeleteRequest

      class DeleteRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • deleteAll
          boolean deleteAll
          This indicates that all vectors in the namespace should be deleted. Not supported by projects on the gcp-starter environment.
        • filter
          Object filter
          If specified, the metadata filter here will be used to select the vectors to delete. This is mutually exclusive with specifying IDs to delete in the ids param or using delete_all=True.
        • ids
          List<String> ids
          Vectors to delete.
        • namespace
          String namespace
          The namespace to delete vectors from, if applicable.
    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector.DescribeIndexStatsRequest

      class DescribeIndexStatsRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • filter
          Object filter
          If this parameter is present, the operation only returns statistics for vectors that satisfy the filter.
    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector.FetchRequest

      class FetchRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • ids
          @NotNull List<String> ids
          The vector ids to fetch.
        • namespace
          String namespace
          The namespace for the vectors.
    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector.QueryRequest

      class QueryRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • filter
          Object filter
          The filter to apply. You can use vector metadata to limit your search.
        • id
          String id
          The unique ID of the vector to be used as a query vector. Each query() request can contain only one of the parameters queries, vector, or id.
        • includeMetadata
          boolean includeMetadata
          Indicates whether metadata is included in the response as well as the ids.
        • includeValues
          boolean includeValues
          Indicates whether vector values are included in the response.
        • namespace
          String namespace
          The namespace to query.
        • topK
          @NotNull Integer topK
          The number of results to return for each query.
        • vector
          List<Float> vector
          The query vector. This should be the same length as the dimension of the index being queried. Each query() request can contain only one of the parameters id or vector.
    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector.UpsertRequest

      class UpsertRequest extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • namespace
          String namespace
          This is the namespace name where you upsert vectors.
        • vectors
          @NotEmpty List<Vector> vectors
          An array containing the vectors to upsert. Recommended batch limit is 100 vectors.
    • Class com.hw.pinecone.entity.vector.Vector

      class Vector extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • id
          String id
          This is the vector's unique id.
        • metadata
          Map<String,Object> metadata
          This is the metadata included in the request.
        • sparseValues
          SparseValues sparseValues
          Vector sparse data. Represented as a list of indices and a list of corresponded values, which must be the same length.
        • values
          List<Float> values
          This is the vector data included in the request.