Interface VectorService

public interface VectorService
Vector Operations
  • Method Details

    • describeIndexStats

      @POST("/describe_index_stats") io.reactivex.Single<DescribeIndexStatsResponse> describeIndexStats(@Body DescribeIndexStatsRequest request)
      The DescribeIndexStats operation returns statistics about the index's contents, including the vector count per namespace and the number of dimensions.
      request - the request object for describing index statistics
      a Single emitting the response with index statistics
    • query

      @POST("/query") io.reactivex.Single<QueryResponse> query(@Body QueryRequest request)
      The Query operation searches a namespace, using a query vector. It retrieves the ids of the most similar items in a namespace, along with their similarity scores.
      request - the QueryRequest containing the query vector and other parameters
      a Single emitting a QueryResponse with the results of the query operation
    • delete

      @POST("/vectors/delete") io.reactivex.Completable delete(@Body DeleteRequest request)
      The Delete operation deletes vectors, by id, from a single namespace. You can delete items by their id, from a single namespace.
      request - the DeleteRequest containing the ids to delete
    • fetch

      @GET("/vectors/fetch") io.reactivex.Single<FetchResponse> fetch(@Query("ids") List<String> ids, @Query("namespace") String namespace)
      The Fetch operation looks up and returns vectors, by ID, from a single namespace. The returned vectors include the vector data and/or metadata.
      ids - the vector ids to fetch.
      namespace - the namespace for the vectors.
      a Single emitting the FetchResponse containing the fetched vectors
    • upsert

      @POST("/vectors/upsert") io.reactivex.Single<UpsertResponse> upsert(@Body UpsertRequest request)
      The Upsert operation writes vectors into a namespace. If a new value is upsert for an existing vector id, it will overwrite the previous value.
      request - the UpsertRequest containing the vectors to be upsert
      a Single emitting an UpsertResponse indicating the result of the upsert operation